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100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

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Join us for a 12-day yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, where we offer Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, and Ashtanga-based practices. This course is suitable for people from all walks of life. Our aim is to teach participants beneficial yoga techniques that promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Our 100-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India is the first part of a 200-hour program. Many individuals who cannot take four consecutive weeks off to complete the full 200-hour training choose to enroll in this 100-hour course instead. They have the option to complete the remaining 100 hours at a later time, either on-site or online.

Upon completing the first semester of the course, participants can join us at any convenient time to finish the second semester and obtain their 200-hour certification. Even if students are unable to physically attend the school for the second semester, we offer the flexibility of completing it online from their own location.

Once the 200-hour certification is achieved, participants receive a certified teacher training certificate, enabling them to teach yoga anywhere in the world. This short-term course is designed to accommodate individuals from all backgrounds.

Aim Of Yoga Education - 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

The aim of our 100-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India is to provide yoga education that promotes self-discipline, self-control, awareness, concentration, and a higher level of consciousness. Through this training, students can achieve good health, practice mental hygiene, develop emotional stability, embrace moral values, and reach a heightened state of awareness. Ultimately, our goal is to equip students with the skills to teach themselves and others the principles of yoga.

Yoga education aims to provide individuals with fundamental knowledge about their own personality. It helps them learn how to navigate various life situations effectively and teaches techniques for achieving good health. Additionally, yoga education promotes the development of a discerning mind, enabling individuals to distinguish between what is real and what is not. It also equips them with the ability to face life's ups and downs with calmness and balance.

Why Rishikesh Unalome Yogashala is the Best Place for Yoga Teacher Training?

Rishikesh Unalome Yogashala is widely recognized as a leading destination for yoga teacher training, and there are several reasons why it stands out among the rest.Firstly, RUY has been making remarkable progress in the field of yoga education, starting with its establishment in Rishikesh, the global capital of yoga. Gradually, it has expanded its presence to different parts of the world, spreading the message of holistic living and helping individuals discover the true purpose of their existence.

The Yoga School in Rishikesh has gained a reputation as a premier training center, attracting students from all around the globe. Over the course of the past two years, it has become a landmark destination for those seeking to delve deep into yoga, meditation, and philosophy. Offering a range of programs, from short-term courses for beginners to in-depth, long-duration courses, RUY provides a transformative experience that is cherished as a priceless gift to the world.

The success of RUY can be attributed to the satisfaction and endorsement of its learners, who have become our valued brand ambassadors. Through their word-of-mouth recommendations, we have earned a reputation as the preferred choice for yoga teacher training. However, we do not rest on our laurels. Instead, we continuously strive to enhance our services and facilities, ensuring an exceptional learning environment for our students.

What you'll learn?

  • Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
  • Asanas(Postures)
  • Pranayama
  • Ayurveda
  • Meditation
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Meditation
  • Course Details
  • Duration: 100 Hours
  • Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • Certification: Yoga Alliance, India
  • Arrival Time:After 14:00 Hours
  • Departure Time:Before 10:00 Hours
  • Style: Multi-Style (Hatha & Ashtanga)
  • Course Fees Starts From
  • $499 (Double Sharing) $599 (Single Private)
  • Register Now - Fees $200
  • Balance Fees to be paid upon arrival

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh - Course Syllabus

  • Sun salutation A

  • Sun salutation B

  • Standing sequence postures / use of yoga props

  • On 1st week- introduction to Ashtanga yoga followed by Sun salutation A & B.

  • On 2 nd week – Standing sequence postures & use of yoga props.

  • Introduction to meditation (What is Meditation)

  • Body Awareness Meditation

  • Mind Awareness Meditation

  • Breathing Awareness Meditation

  • Om Meditation

  • Mantra Meditation Practices

  • Trataka meditation

  • Dynamic meditation

  • Art of self silence Practice

  • Yog nidra

  • What is Yoga & It’s history ?

  • Lifestyle of a yoga practitioner.

  • What are Yoga sutras/ 8 limbs Of Yoga ?

  • Introduction of srimad bhagavad gita.

  • Understanding all 4 paths of yoga-

  • Karma Yoga

  • Bhakti Yoga

  • Gyan Yoga

  • Dhayan Yoga

  • What is hatha yoga ?

  • What are trigunas ?

  • What is ego ?

  • Freedom from unhappinees.

  • Realizing pure consciusness.

  • Stories of the enlighten yogis.
  • Introduction of Pranayama

  • Benefits of pranayama

  • General guidelines

  • Clavicular Breathing

  • Thoracic and Diaphragmatic Breathing
  • Ujjayi Pranayama

  • Bhastrika Pranayama

  • Kapalbhati Pranayama

  • Nadi – Sodhana Pranayama

  • Bhramari Pranayama

  • Surya Bhedi & Chandra Bhedi pranayama

  • Sheetali & Sheetkari pranayama

    Yoga Anatomy & Physiology 1st week

  • Meaning & Importance / Introduction of anatomy & physiology

  • Directional terms of anatomy

  • Introduction of skeleton structure & functions

  • Bone anatomy & human skeleton system

  • Important names of human skeleton system

  • Angular movements of human body

  • Assignment paper submission/ activities/ exercises

  • Anatomy 2nd Week:

  • Introduction of joints

  • Function of all types of joints

  • Anatomy of synovial joints (Knee)

  • Types of synovial joints & their functions

  • Types of cartilage & connective tissues

  • Pectoral girdle introduction & functions

  • Pelvic girdle introduction & function

  • Ankle & wrist joints

  • Assignment/ Activities/ Exercises.
  • Jnana mudra

  • Chin mudra

  • Rubber-neti

  • Jalaneti

  • Easy pose

  • Half-lotus

100 Hour YTTC Upcoming Dates

1st - 12th
20000 INR
1st - 12th
20000 INR
1st - 12th
20000 INR
1st - 12th
20000 INR
1st - 12th
20000 INR
1st - 12th
20000 INR
1st - 12th
20000 INR
1st - 12th
20000 INR

Our Experienced Yoga Instructors

At our Yoga Teacher Training Program, you'll have the opportunity to meet and learn from experienced and passionate instructors who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and expertise with you. Our instructors come from diverse backgrounds and lineages, bringing a wealth of experience and insights to the program.

You'll have the chance to connect with them both in group settings and one-on-one, deepening your understanding of yoga and building a supportive community. Our instructors are committed to helping you develop your skills and grow as a practitioner and teacher.

Yogi Sushant Bisht ji
Hatha Vinyasa, Philosphy of Yoga
Yogi Prashant Bisht Ji
Ashtanga Vinyasa, Allignment and Adjustment
Yogini Neeta ji
Anatomy and Physiology Teacher
Yogi Pramod ji
Pranamaya, Shatkarma and Meditation

What Our Happy Students Say About Us

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Prashant is an amazing teacher and his energy lights up the whole room! He helped me understand yoga alignment and Ashtanga more and I’m very grateful for his wisdom and teachings. If you have the opportunity to learn from Prashant, you’re in good hands. Namaste.

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh Review by our student

Allison Waldbeser

200 Hour Yoga TTC Rishikesh
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Prashant Sir is great at Training Ashtanga Yoga, The school experience was great, His theory classes, his explaination and correction of Alignment and explained every angle, posture and the breathing pattern in detail. Overall I had great Learning Experience and enjoyed under his guidance. Thanks Prashant Sir!! Don't think Much, Just Join!!

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh Review

Sagar Badwal

200 Hour Yoga TTC Rishikesh
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Wow what a truely life changing experience learning from Prashant! He was so knowledgeable about Ashtanga and all things alignment. I would high recommend him if you want wanting to learn about yoga!! He offers many different styles and is always happy to help with any questions you have. Really enjoyed my time!! A+++

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh Review

Zoe Dyer

200 Hour Yoga TTC Rishikesh
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Prashant is a strong, supportive and encouraging teacher. He would always break things down further willingly that which confused me from other classes. He has a depth of knowledge on all subjects yoga and a desire to know and understand his students. Thank you for everything prashant

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh Review

Toni Ries

200 Hour Yoga TTC Rishikesh